Tuesday, December 16, 2014

They Are Awesome The Brownies

This is by far one of those pictures where my hands look just beautiful.
heavenl;y let's make it tomorrow"

A message I received from Big Sister on December 7th.

My reply?

"Don't look at the stuff I +1 please

We did end up making them however, on the day after. December 8th. They were... err... rather delightful.

Delightful for a while, yes. Then, I guess the sugar overload took over.

I was chatting with one of my friends at the time, and I asked her if she wanted pictures, and she said "that would be great!" (with multiple '!'.) So after my sister took pictures and sent them to me, I showed them to my friend, and she said, "WOW THEY ARE AWESOME THE BROWNIES" (hence the title of this post) (#yodatalk) and I was like ':3 Meknows.'

Anyway, these don't look AT ALL like the ones on the website, and I'm assuming that's just because it was made by me. Yep. Things like that, always happening when I'm involved. Anyway, I made the brownies, and my sister made the frosting. I could sense a lot of upcoming lack of health, but I follow the rules of recipes, so I took no action.

They were finished on December 10, I believe. The day after I was terribly sick. I wanted to have some, but I was still sick, and refused to take any risks.

The weather is warming up, but that is an entirely different story for an entirely different time.


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