I made pasta cake today!!! Wanted to pretend to make weird things like they do on Cupcake Wars, so I mixed savory with sweet! Turned out great!!!
Just jooookinnnnggggomgdidyouguysreallybelievethathahahasrslythisislonganduseless
I did make cake tho, and I did make pasta. Well, I didn't MAKE pasta, I just cooked it. 'Cause, like, pasta makers cost as much as heaven. And it wasn't just pasta! 'Twas pasta salad. With homemade 'pesto' or veggie sauce or dressing or whatever. I just jammed about a cup of kale leaves in the blender with some moisture and the product was produced.
Just jooookinnnnggggagainlolyougulliblehumans
Appetizing, right?! OMG, IKR!!
#fangirlstatements #freakingoutaboutnothing #thatswhatido #lolsrsly #demhashtagsdoe
I kinda made up the recipe moiself so here you go if'n you're interested... ~
How to Make N's Nourishin' Pasta Salad ~
1. Set about 4 cups of water to a boil. Pour in the crusty and hard uncooked pasta things. I used gluten free ...tortellini?? Rotini? Yeah, it was rotini. I used gluten free so that Little bro with allergies could eat it too. #youcanthaveallergiesandeatthingstoo
2. Stir until al dente or until they're as soft as you want LEL. Mine wasn't al dente because a certain girl told me to take it off the heat. T_T #sisters
3. Strain the pasta and set it aside to cool whilst you prepare the ... we'll call it dressing.
To make the dressing, you'll need:
About two handfuls of baby kale leaves
About 1/4 cup of soymilk
Half a lemon
1/3 of an onion, chopped
Three stalks of cilantro
A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
A tablespoon of salt
About two tablespoons of orange juice
Dump everything into a blender except the lemon half, the vinegar, and orange juice. After smooth, squeeze the lemon half into the mixture, ensuring no lemon seeds enter the mixture.
Now, you dump the cooked pasta into a dish of your choice. Then pour the dressing over it and mix everything together. Pour the vinegar and orange juice into a measuring cup or tiny bowl and mix it together. Pour over the pasta and stir together.
VARIATIONS: That's all I did, and since Little brother has allergies, I cut little cubes of cheese and put them in a separate tiny bowl. However, if you're making this for people with no allergies, you can dump the cheese cubes right in. Also, if I'd had tomatoes, I'd add them. And tiny cubes of peppers. Also -- okay, that's all for now. A different version of my pasta salad may appear on this blog in the future. We'll see though, as pasta isn't really baking.
Now, as for the cake... I used a buttermilk pound cake II recipe (look that up). Instead of vanilla and lemon flavoring, I used orange juice. I'm guessing the taste wasn't very obvious because it was orange juice. Freshly squeezed would make more of an impact. Eh, I was rushin' and lazy. Process was chill. I greased the pans like crazy with butter. Then, yeah. Baked them for almost 100 minutes. One side stuck to the pan. It was okay though, because I took the cakes to Sister's Cake Hospital and, after a short operation, the cakes were brand-new. Ish. I made a simple icing out of 1/4 cup butter and 1 cup powdered sugar, which Sister dressed the bottom layer cake with. Then she spread four-fruit jam on top of that, and then dangerous things happened. I watched her dangerously put the top cake layer on, and we squealed like little girls. Then we pigged out on huge slices.
Some mysterious soul finished it. Which means I must go to work and make another one.
Thanks for eating, keep on reading!!
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