Then again, doesn't everyone?
Yesterday was one of those days. Okay, I didn't really do anything productive, TBH, except bake some brownies. Which I didn't capture any photos of. A pity too, because I had almost no mistakes making it. I seriously need a camera.
That was a quick topic shift.
I usually bake things I've baked previously when no occasion is occurring. Strangely, when a bake-worthy occasion pops up, I try my best to make something I've never done before, and that usually results in a mess. I remember a few months ago in June, I made cake pops for my sister's end-of-eighteen-months-online-course party. They were okay, but I wasn't really prepared, and some of the cake pops broke up. At the party, I put them on top of the fridge, and some girl saw them and asked me for one. So I took the Styrofoam block down and held it out while kids pulled out the cake pops. They were gone in seconds. And the best thing about it was, my best friend took the best one I made -- my first one. And she liked it!
Anyway, back to real life. I forgot what I was going to talk about.
Oh yeah. Well, yesterday, I made some perfect butterscotch brownies. As y'all may know, I baked these previously twice before. Once in 2009 for a 4-H state fair, and once last year for a potluck. The recipe is so easy, it's hard to mess up. There are a reasonable amount of ingredients, and an even more reasonable amount of directions. The only 'bad' thing about this recipe is that you have to sift 2 and 1/4 cups of flour. No sweat, I guess. I've gotten used to sifting. And actually, it's sort of fun.
#brag #justkidding
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I like how the tissue paper is pink for me :] By the way, that yellow sticker is supposed to stand for second place, but I got first place, but they ran out of first place stickers :[ |
The version I did last year was the only one I drizzled with chocolate. You can never go wrong with chocolate, but these brownies are so perfect they don't NEED chocolate. (Additionally, they are very sweet, so chocolate would put you on a hyper level of high.)
Ew they look kinda uncooked in this photo |
The one in the book looks more yummy |
The Story of Productive Yesterday
At about 9:54 AM, I took out two sticks of butter to soften. At the time there were some sweet potatoes in the oven, so I put the butter sticks on the stove. Which was a bad idea because the sticks kind of melted.
Wait. Why do I even mention my mistakes?
So that they don't get passed on. Yeah. Okay. Just never get impatient when it's time to bake.
Then I took out the butterscotch chips baggie and cut it open and ate some. AHHH so sweet. Butterscotch chips are like, my favorite kind of chips. White ones smell funny, and chocolate is too common. Butterscotch hits right in the middle, just like me. (and they're sweet just like me)
Well, as I waited for the butter to soften more, I measured everything out, as usual. then I mixed the butter and sugar together, then I added the eggs, then I sifted the flour, then I prepared the wrong pan, and then I folded in the chips.
Then the problem occurred.
See, the recipe told me to prepare a rectangular pan. And I did, but when I put the mixture in it, it all didn't fit. And I thought to myself, "How in the world did it ever fit in before?" With an internal sigh, I prepared a square pan and pressed the mixture in there. It fit, thankfully. Then I pushed it into the oven and cleaned everything up. I was kind of rushing because I had three friends talking to me at the time. But I managed to do all the dishes and clean the table. I was rather proud of myself. And that's what I mean by Productive Yesterday.
The End.
My brother ate too much, which kind of bothered me, but he said they were good. And that's what I'll take as payment. :]
Optional to Read!! Life Updates:
December 20: My last session of archery at the masjid. Went to somebody's graduation party. Played dodgeball after a halaqa at the masjid and got sore all over.
December 21: No karate session, unexpected. Bought a graphing notebook for brother.
December 22: Had guests over. Cleaned to the death.
Thank you for reading!! :]
What on earth does TBH mean??
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