What are the different types of ovens?
There are quite a few types of modern ovens... (and let's change the fonts for fun...)
- Conventional Oven
- Convection Oven
- Microwave Oven
- Toaster Oven
Which is the best? Let the judging begin!
Yes, for once, do judge.
A conventional oven is designed with two heating elements: baking and broiling. Another name for the conventional oven is the thermal or radiant oven. 'Radiant' comes from the radiation in the oven walls, which the oven relies on because it has no fans. Cooks have complained about this oven, saying it scorches the food's bottoms (ow) and doesn't brown the tops evenly (my, the injustice!). Why is this? The temperature is not the same over the course of the cooking time.
A convection oven is a oven that has fans to circulate air around food. Convection ovens create a uniform temperature with internal fans that circulate hot air evenly. These ovens are usually more expensive than radiant ovens, but they cook food faster, at a lower temperature, and usually the results are awesome. The fans in the oven make sure that the same temperature reaches the top and bottom foods, and the foods at all the rack levels. Other names for this oven are European, true, turbo, or fan. The fans in a convection oven are really handy. In comparison to conventional ovens, which have no fans, convection ovens are more ideal for purchase, guaranteed five-star results, with only the price as a downside. Buy one now, at only $266.99! (Lol, wut.)
*dramatic childish music*
Food tends to cook more evenly when air is blown onto it, rather than air around it.
Everyone's laziness tool. Guess what. They aren't very good to use, healthwise. Microwave ovens cook food by hitting it with electromagnetic radiation.
[Mike Rowayve says microwaves are used for reheating foods, mainly. Sometimes, this girl mixes strange brown stuff in a mug and gives it to him to cook. Mike thinks it isn't healthy, but it smells good. And sometimes, he makes it fail, so that she won't eat it and become unhealthy.] #browniesinamug #mugbrownie #unhealth #mikerowayve
My brother's breakfast used to be cooked in this thing. But we sold that. A toaster oven is basically like a microwave, but it looks more like your everyday oven. And it toasts things. It cooks things set on a timer, like a microwave. Unlike a microwave, toaster ovens have the ability to make foods crispy and brown.
I think we have a convection oven, because our baked goods always turn out right. If they turn out wrong, it's our fault. Sometimes that's obvious. Other times we need to dig into the science.